Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie put it so well: "There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration."

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beth gets to be an Archivist!

Yes, my skills will not completely wilt while I’m in Rwanda. The Rotary Club has a collection of materials relating to the Kigali Public Library and Gwenn and I will be processing and moving these over to the Library for storage.

A local textile company, Utexrwa, provided a room for the Rotary to store their records. In the same room, are stored many of the company’s records. So, first I need a search and divide (not destroy!) mission to separate the two. Below are views of the room when I began.

As I assured Jenn, these are *not* the worst conditions I’ve faced. (Jill and Pam, two words: Carriage House! I could also add: unidentified, mummified, large rodent; droppings of various kinds; and the need for serious fumigation!) Basically, it was dusty and dirty; conditions not unknown to all archivists.

The materials were fairly easily sorted into series (for non-archivists: a grouping of records of similar origin or type of document) and only a portion needed serious arrangement. The big issue here in Rwanda is locating folders and boxes. We brought folders with us, but weren’t thinking globally – folks here use A4 paper which is a bit larger than the standard 8 ½ x 11 document. Instead of proper archival boxes, I’d be happy with a plastic tub with a sealable lid.

During the rooting phase I located several interesting items which I shared last night with the Rotary Club. First off, is the Kigali Public Library pin (see below). I’m not sure what level donor you must be to receive one, but if anyone is interested, let me know. Then there was an envelope containing money from various countries (picture of a few below). Folks at the club suspect that came from the donation box at the airport which makes sense.

All and all it is a nice project to take on to keep my hand in the business.

And now the answers to the quizzo questions from my last post:

The three words are: tremendous, stupendous, and horrendous. My kudos to Gail L. who responded almost immediately with the correct answer. She was also kind enough to say that two of the three words applied to my blog. (Now Gail I’m assuming you did *not* mean horrendous!)

A “google” is a number followed by 100 zeros.

Next: Beth goes shopping!


  1. Of course I did not mean horrendous!!! Love you and love your blog, Miss Beth!!!

  2. We got the answer right. Commend us.

  3. Carriage house--where there any random acorns rolling around attacking you? or rodent bodies? miss you guys, PHD
